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Results for Markus Hünig

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Topics in Mathematics for the 10th Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools Topics in Mathematics for the 10th Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools by Uwe Hansen,Markus Hünig,Arnold Bernhard,And Others,Robert Neumann

Topics in Mathematics for the 10th Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools

by Uwe Hansen,Markus Hünig,Arnold Bernhard,And Others,Robert Neumann

ISBN 13: 9781936367917

Format: Paperback (184 pages)
Publisher: Waldorf Publications
Published: 04 Feb 2016

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New : $22.19
Topics in Mathematics for the Eleventh Grade: Based on teaching practices in Waldorf schools Topics in Mathematics for the Eleventh Grade: Based on teaching practices in Waldorf schools by Peter Baum,Karl-F. Gorg,Uwe Hanson,Markus Hünig,Klaus Labudde,Rolf Rosbigalle,Stephan Sigler,Robert Neumann

Topics in Mathematics for the Eleventh Grade: Based on teaching practices in Waldorf schools

by Peter Baum,Karl-F. Gorg,Uwe Hanson,Markus Hünig,Klaus Labudde,Rolf Rosbigalle,Stephan Sigler,Robert Neumann

ISBN 13: 9781936367115

Format: Paperback (292 pages)
Publisher: Waldorf Publications
Published: 20 Jul 2014

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New : $22.20